ESGQ Training

Upskill with ESGQ

ESG training courses are created to promote best practices in the development and implementation of sustainable development strategies.

Our proprietary program is based on academic knowledge acquired at the best Kazakhstani and international universities, as well as on the expertise and extensive personal professional experience of our lecturers.

Training. Introduction

They completed our training:

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Image /images/svg/clients/qazaqstan-halkyna.svgImage /images/svg/clients/aogu.svgImage /images/svg/clients/kazgermunai.svgImage /images/png/clients/samruk-kazyna-ondeu.pngImage /images/svg/clients/kaz-munay-gas.svgImage /images/svg/clients/klpe.svgImage /images/svg/clients/ucc.svgImage /images/png/clients/samruk-kazyna.pngImage /images/svg/clients/ktzh.svgImage /images/svg/clients/exxon-mobil.svgImage /images/svg/clients/zhasyl-damu.svgImage /images/svg/clients/tau-ken-samruk.svgImage /images/svg/clients/ao-ncec.svgImage /images/svg/clients/karachaganak.svgImage /images/svg/clients/mnu.svgImage /images/svg/clients/ncoc.svgImage /images/svg/clients/kazazot.svgImage /images/svg/clients/baytaq.svgImage /images/svg/partners/de-montfort-university.svgImage /images/svg/clients/shell.svg
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Basic course


Main modules:

  • 1
    What is «sustainable development» and the SDGs?
  • 2
    Physical risks and impacts of climate change and adaptation measures
  • 3
    Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality in the Republic of Kazakhstan

It is possible to hold thematic seminars

Learning outcomes:

Definitions and ESG terminology

Opportunities for integrating sustainable development strategy into the company's overall corporate strategy

The impact of ESG standards on the reputation and investment attractiveness of an organization

Governance structures for ESG issues, roles and functions, and their interactions

Long-term risks and opportunities from an ESG perspective

The importance of non-financial reporting

Strategies and corporate policies in ESG

Presenting their vision of business development in ESG

The course is led by

The list of lecturers depends on the content of the seminar being conducted.

Course instructor yerlik.karazhan


  • Candidate of Economic Sciences, Founder of «KEN Sky» Company, Co-founder and Director of the ESGQ Rating Agency.

  • An expert in the field of international relations (Kazakh State University), a Master's in International Political Economy (London School of Economics), a graduate of the «Bolashak» program, and a candidate of Economic Sciences (Institute of Economics, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

  • Total work experience - 25 years, including 12 years in the oil and gas industry and 7 years in education and international consulting. Experience in leadership positions - over twelve years.

Course instructor aizhan.khamitova


  • Executive MBA, Stakeholder Management Expert, GR (Government Relations), PR (Public Relations), Internal and External Communications.

  • With 25 years of experience in the oil and gas and energy industries. A member of the Executive Committee of the Professional Society of Petroleum Engineers in Astana (Society of Petroleum Engineers)

Course instructor gulmira.ismagulova


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Economics – one of the strongest and recognized experts on decarbonization issues in Kazakhstan.
She is the developer and main author of the updated version of the National Low Carbon Development Strategy, the Roadmap project for the implementation of in Kazakhstan, and the head of the modeling and expert team at JSC "Zhasyl damu."

  • А member of three Working Groups on the strategy. Specializes in sustainable development of energy, climate change economics, circular economy, ESG, and more. Over 25 years of experience in scientific research and scientific consulting.

Course instructor zaure.sarsekeyeva


  • An expert in the management of social, charitable and educational projects.

  • Experience in the oil and energy industries in the Department of Country business Strategy and Stakeholder Relations, in terms of developing new areas of Eni's activities in Kazakhstan, including external and internal communications. Participated in the working group on low-carbon development under the Council of Foreign Investors of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • As part of the implementation of Eni renewable energy projects, was responsible for interaction with the public, public authorities, and local executive authorities, including conducting public hearings, consultations, and PR.

  • Worked in projects of the World Bank, the Asian Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, TACIS.

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